


港學生預演占中 警方清場 (圖)

香港部分學生團體2日凌晨預演「占中」,警方於凌晨3時清場。圖為部分學生占據及包圍行政長官辦公室。中央社記者張謙香港攝 103年7月2日 Description Toggle View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View 1 - 25 / 30 Protesters hold up a banner featuring a picture of Hong Kong's current leader, Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying, and reads: "689 Run away immediately" during a march at an annual protest in downtown ... 較多Protesters hold up a banner featuring a picture of Hong Kong's current leader, Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying, and reads: "689 Run away immediately" during a march at an annual protest in downtown Hong Kong Tuesday, July 1, 2014. Hong Kong residents marched through the streets of the former British colony to push for greater democracy in a rally fueled by anger over Beijing's recent warning that it holds the ultimate authority over the southern Chinese financial center. The protest comes days after nearly 800,000 residents voted in a mock referendum aimed at bolstering support for full democracy. (AP Photo/Kin Cheung) 較少 1 / 30 Associated Press | 拍攝者 Kin Cheung 2014年7月1日週二 台北標準時間下午9時24分 Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Pinterest Close Previous imageNext image


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